Stamping With Blue Moon Creations

Wonderland Watercolor Blotter-Nacho Average Challenge #173

We have a great sketch challenge this week over at the Nacho Average site.  We hope you’ll play along!


Here’s my contribution:

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Recently, I received a very special gift in the mail from Dan Stouffer.  Dan Stouffer is an accomplished watercolor artist that lives in New Mexico.  He and his wife Jean are long time family friends.  Both my Mom and I have an extensive collection of Dan Stouffer paintings in our houses.

The special gift that came in the mail was several “blotter” pieces that Dan uses to test colors as he paints.

Basically, they are scraps.

Oh, but what beautiful scraps!

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In fact, on the back of one of the blotters was a piece of a painting. Obviously the start of a painting that didn’t make the grade and was basically cut up to use as blotter scraps.

But, what a pretty piece! I have this one sitting on my book shelf.

A mini painting that is perfect for my mountain setting!

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Anyway, I decided to use one of the blotter pieces with shades of blue and a touch of Wisteria Wonder, coupled with Wonderland, for this week’s challenge.

Thanks Dan for sharing!  I will enjoy using the blotters in my crafting!

Be sure to check out each of the Design Team’s entries to the challenge and leave a comment if you can.  It means a lot to all of us!  We’d also love for you to play along with the weekly challenges.  A Linky Tool has been added so you can upload your creation to the Nacho Design Team site.


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I watched the videos and realized how to do a shaker card. Pretty cool. The bubble wrap card is so much fun. The blue really stands out in each card. I like your videos. You get right to the card instructions. Great creative ideas. -D Welch
Great class, delicious meal, and fun day as always! -B Stone